Imperial Facial
インペリアル フェイシャル
Treatments and Costs
Laser treatment
Listed are just a few of the Laser capabilities.
☆Lighten age spots, sun spots, melasma and freckles.
お顔のシミ、肝斑、そばかすを薄くします。 ☆Stimulates collagen and elastin.
☆Reduce wrinkles around eye area, and pore size.
☆Hair removal.
・Laser whole face(レーザー/お顔全体)$160
・Vitamin C Iontophoresis(ビタミンCイオン導入/お顔全体)$ 60
☆Laser+ Vitamin C Iontophoresis Set (レーザー&イオン導入セット/お顔全体)$220→$190 Discountディスカウント
☆Laser+Vitamin C Iontophoresis The Package of 3 Set (レーザー&イオン導入の3回セット)$660→$510 More Discount お得!
☆Laser+Vitamin C Iontophoresis The Package of 6 Set (レーザー&イオン導入の6回セット)$1320→$890 More Discountさらにお得!
・We also have chemical peeling treatment,so please tell us .
・Decollete Laser treatment
(レーザー/デコルテ )$180
・Decollete Vitamin C Iontophoresis
(ビタミンCイオン導入/デコルテ) $80
・Upper half of Back Laser treatment
・Upper half of Back Vitamin C Iontophoresis
・Both hands(両手の甲部)$50
Laser Hair Removal (レーザー脱毛)
・Under Arms (両脇)$100
・Bikini (ビキニ)$140
・Lower Legs(膝下)$300
・Around mouth (口周囲)$50
{It takes charge of sales tax((4.712%) above the costs.And it's written the cost of one time. }
Imperial Facial 10th Anniversary
Stem Cell Treatment
You can add stem cell culture supernatant treatment to vitamin C iontophoresis
Stem cells are cells that have the power to create new cells in the human body, and they play a role in repairing, replenishing, and reviving cell defects caused by illness or injury. When human stem cells are cultured, a "supernatant" is created in the upper part of the liquid during the culture process, with the active ingredients concentrated in the upper part. This supernatant contains a wealth of ingredients called "cytokines" that are effective in cell repair and regeneration. It contains more than 1,000 types of growth factors, which help restore damaged cells and tissues in the body.
Therefore, by sending this ingredient into the body through the skin, somatic cells are activated and it is effective in calming inflammation and rejuvenating [skin], [hair], and [organ functions].
This stem cell culture supernatant is added to the vitamin C iontophoresis solution used after laser or chemical peeling, providing a double effect. It takes twice as long to introduce as usual.
Not only does it have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, but it also promotes cell growth and collagen and elastin production, so we recommend adding it to your regular treatments. The most notable effects are the gloss, clarity, firmness, plumpness, and reduced pore size of the skin.
Adding Stem cell (幹細胞) for Vitamin C Iontophoresis 1 time $95
Adding Stem cell (幹細胞) for Vitamin C Iontophoresis 3 set $255
($85 per session)
Vitamin C iontophoreisis efffect.
☆protect from inflammation by sunlight,and
reduce inflammation
☆Lightning skin
☆Remove free radical
☆stimulates collagen
☆Antioxidant action
☆Depression effect of melanogenesis
・Vitamin C Iontophoresis for whole Face
・VitaminC Iontophoresis for Decollete
{It takes charge of sales tax((4.712%) above the costs. And it's written the cost of one time. }

We sell Sunscreen, which is made by safety material.
★ワセリン基材 It's made by Vaseline.
It's not included untraviolet absorber,just physical reflective agents.And not included preservative.
It's 10g contents,and keeps for 40days.
You take it amount of a half of cotton swab edge, spread in your palm,and touch your skin gently.